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Response-ability: Problems Reveal Great Possibilities

I was planning on allowing my dog, Jagger, to take me on our run 4-mile run around the block before my workday started. It always feels good to have a plan how I’m going to get my exercise in, mostly while the tension of my life isn’t letting up. Movement helps a lot. I heard Tony Robbins say, “If you want to change your emotion, change your motion.” I found that to be true and have relied on that to maintain wholeness even when the circumstances of my life seem to be falling apart.

I was dressed and eager to head out my front door into the beautiful, cool summer morning. I had my AirPods in and podcast ready ––excited to learn or laugh from the conversation. Then a tough situation stopped me and sat me down. Here we go. I thought. I can’t stand it when the tension, like a huge black blob, creeps in and begins to consume my proactivity.

I deal with this type of tension often, so I sat patiently and worked through the situation trying to be as present as possible all the while knowing that this is setting the tone of my day and unsure what else this black blob is going to consume. I took a deep breath and looked down at my running shoes and Jagger’s leash on the floor nearby while my husband and I talked through the possible next steps to remedy this situation. Per usual, we had no idea what to do, but tried to remember that patience and prayer typically revealed creative solutions. Or at least, bought us time to get past the emotions to think more clearly.

This situation proved that it was best that one of us stay home rather than both of us heading out at the same time. The blob stole my freedom to go on a run to get some tension-releasing movement into my day. Frustration set in and to Jagger’s dismay, I put his leash away and began pacing around from my kitchen to my home office back into my kitchen checking in with my spirit (rather than my emotions) what to do next.

I felt led to take my frustration outside, so I opened the door wall from our kitchen and went out to one of my favorite spots on our back deck. I lifted my face up to the warmth of the morning sun and stood there receiving. After a moment, my spirit led me down the deck steps and I just began walking through my backyard and back around to the front of my house. Suddenly remembering the walls of Jericho crumbling down by marching around it 7 times. (Joshua 6:1-27 explains in more detail, but essentially walking around the walls of Jericho for 7 days. It’s actually 13 times over the 7 days, but I focused on the 7 days = 7 times.)

Anywho, as I continued to walk with prayerful intention, I felt the controlling grip of the black blob release. I finished the first lap around my house and quickly grabbed a rock from under a large pine tree and I placed the rock on one of the steps of our deck. I continued to walk, this time including the entire perimeter of our back yard, and sprinted up our back hill to increase my heart rate as if I could regain some benefits from the 4-mile run I missed.

I walked the perimeter of our front yard as well and walked into the street where my boys’ cars were parked. I touched their cars as I walked past and circled back around to the backyard grabbing another rock as I passed the tree – marking my laps. Each lap, I regained my focus and power reminding myself that I’m not a victim of this circumstance; I have freedom to choose my response.

By the time I completed my 7th lap, my mind opened up to some creative possibilities even though the same problem loomed. I also believe in the power of our words through prayer and thanksgiving. I have no idea what “walls” came down while I encircled our home and property seven times, but what I do know is it is never wasted. Paul writes in, 1 Corinthians 15:58 NLT, “…be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”

I pray that not only do you and I make sure that we are moving our bodies (God’s temple & vessels of the heavenly realm) throughout each day, but that we stand firm in the truth that His power is within us no matter what and even if! So no circumstance can fully consume us – let’s not make it easy on the enemy (huge black blob) to try and kill (our plans for the day), steal (our internal peace and joy), or destroy (our hope in things above).

I’d love to hear from you. Do you have a takeaway from this post that blessed you?

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Jul 27, 2022

Dear Kelley! I have had a lot of practice and more now than ever I don't want to add to the mess by adding my emotional reaction. I'm delighted that my many years of trial and error not only has blessed me, but inspires others. Sending love to you and yours! XO


Jul 18, 2022

❤ABUNDANCE MINDSET... We are inspired by your willingness to let the Holy Spirit help you guard your heart, your mind and your emotions. Look at how a simple change in geography allowed you to spend some intentional precious moments of refreshing your Spirit and letting the Lord be the lifter of your head....from just before walking out your front door until you finished your 7th lap around your families hedged in, holy~protected property lines...he gave His love for you, Ryan and your boys freely~right then and there...He brought to your remembrance truth through scripture, and encouragement, His peace, helping you to put movement into motion and helped you to control your emotions by keeping your commitment to Him ... the…

Jul 27, 2022
Replying to

High-five! Thank you for this extra dose of truth. It's my pleasure to share His truth, tangible presence when we seek Him and continue to make these powerful connections with people like you. Love you, too! XO


Jul 16, 2022

Thank you Tara, I tend to panic when things don’t go as planned. Your words in the past few years has helped me to evaluate my situation and turn to pray. You are an inspiration.

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